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Small to medium sized business owners deal with

marketing/advertising issues up to 5 hours weekly.

Monarch clients put that time to far better use!


Monarch’s experienced creative team develops effective

campaigns, sets timetables and achieves goals.


Working within the company framework, Monarch develops

sustainable, quarterly and annual budgets and media

allocation schedule.


Identify Cost Effective Media Opportunities. Meet with

advertising representatives-all calls referred to Monarch


Preview /Review marketing campaigns at twice monthly meeting







Quit Wasting Ad Dollars !


The ‘Spray & Pray’ Approach Is Dead


Targeted media is critical to the success of any campaign. By researching the demography and geography of the potential customer, Monarch creates a focused message, defined target and appropriate media. This translates into a better R O I on ad expenditures and business growth.


©2010_MONARCH PRODUCTIONS.                                                                                      All rights reserved.XTREME-GRAPHX & SMART GROUP STUDIOS